Tag: lamb

  • Moussaka

    I’d been craving lamb, and Lisa was in a I-want-lasagna-but-we-just-had-lasagna mood, so moussaka seemed like the perfect bridge between our two wants. This recipe comes from the book Mediterranean Hot and Spicy; the moussaka was certainly hot (after being in a 400F oven for an hour…) but spicy? Not so much. Mouth-watering? Yes. Mouth-burning? No. […]

  • Yogurtlu Kebab (Kofte with Tomato Sauce & Yogurt)

    Middle-Eastern Nachos indeed!  The meat-eaters (and a couple Sneaky Sams) at our party a few weeks ago all seemed to enjoy this one.  Sausage-shaped meat logs (okay, awesome phrase) are plated atop pita chips, tomato sauce, yogurt, and pinenuts fried in butter.   This worked out really well as party food as you could take as […]

  • Almost Meatless Potluck: Ful Mudammas Gyros

    A few weeks ago, we were asked by Tara Mataraza Desmond and Joy Manning to participate in a virtual potluck in celebration of their recent cookbook, Almost Meatless: Recipes That Are Better for Your Health and the Planet. I like the book’s concept — use less meat in recipes and replace it with novel ingredients […]

  • “Almost Meatless” Albondigas, or, Oatmeal: It’s What’s For Dinner

    This recipe was recently featured on Serious Eats; it comes from a cookbook titled Almost Meatless: Recipes That Are Better for Your Health and the Planet. I’m all for the occasional veggie burger, but make no mistake: these plump, juicy orbs of joy are NOT vegetarian. Rather, ground lamb is supplemented with steel-cut oatmeal to […]

  • Spicy Lamb Ravioli in Fumet

    Another bonus of Cathy and Chris visiting this weekend: they eat meat! I’ve been wanting to make this dish for a while, but a large portion of our friends are either vegetarian or only eat fish. This recipe comes from The Stinking Rose Restaurant Cookbook, and while it’s a bit time-consuming, the end result is […]